What is JonesTech Industries?

What is JonesTech Industries?

So I've been thinking about this a lot as I've built up my business over the years- I was always a tinkery kid growing up. I loved inventing and being artistic. 3D printing is what I do, but I've never wanted that to be the end of my interest, rather the beginning. A wonderful tool for my other appreciations.

I have a lot of really neat ideas over the years- some novel, many useless, and some quite useful. I hope to one day be selling prototypes, if not complete builds of my more practical projects. One I've had recently in the researching and development stage- The JVACC Suit.

More on this at a later time but for now all I'll hint towards is, the acronym stands for:

Jones Variable Augmentation Climate Control suit.

I hope to bring many more exciting trinkets, prints, designs, and inventions to you in the future of JonesTech Industries because that's what we are- a handful of crazy ideas.

That's all for now. Have a wonderful day!
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